This is definitely the year of new beginnings. Although the universe has been preventing me to work out by putting obstacles in my way (badly sprained ankle, strep throat and now debilitating pain in my lower back - all this within 3-4 weeks), I signed up for the 5k run on December 31st with my coach (who will cheer me on while I swear, grunt, pant and possibly cry! - She's been forewarned!). The running room hosts the resolution runs every year and when my coach mentionned it, I signed the two of us up! My hubby thought I was crazy as 1) I've never ran in my life and 2) it's during the winter and he knows how much I hate the cold. I signed up for it anyways! It'll be my first 5k and I am looking forward to getting better and to start training! I'm so excited!
So... who's with me?