Monday, 2 January 2012

New Year, new goals.

Many months have gone by since I've last posted.  The sprained ankle ended up being 2 fractures and an achiles splint, and due to the pain in my ankle, I've slowed down on my exercises and training for my 5k marathon.  It didn't, however, stop me from doing it!  I walked the majority of the time, at a medium to fast pace, but did manage to run the last little bit at the end, making me proud to say (however brief) that I ran!  LOL. 

This year will be amazing, I just know it.  I need to find my skinny self (she's in there, I know it) and get acquainted with her.   This is not a new year's resolution as resolutions tend to be broken, but a promiss to myself to eat better, feel better and to exercise more. 

Dancing has kept me somewhat limber and is a great cardio (especially dancing for almost 2 hours doing the cha cha and the triple swing!) so am hoping that my ankle will feel good while training to run. 

Thanks coach for being there for me and encouraging me for my first marathon.  It may not seem much to folks, but it means a lot to me.

My coach and I!

Onto a great year and to new goals.  Let's make what seems impossible, possible! :)

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